Thursday, May 14, 2015

Timeout - Chocolate Cheesecake Bar time!

If you guy have read my previous blog posts, you would know that I have a massive addition for coffee, sour foods and sweets. Typical. I’m 19, in university and would better than to invest my spare time in indulging on fattening foods and drinking coffee to get back that time at night. However one thing I haven’t mentioned was my love for cheesecake. You simply do not know how much I love cheesecake (before I ramble on, I must specify that I am not a girl in case anyone was wondering, cheesecake is unisex).  
So my weekly shopping commenced, the daily essentials such as bread and milk was tipping my basket and when I thought my trip had ended with the heavy weight. But aimlessly, I had walked past the confectionary aisle again. My brain had already said that I had too much sweets this week and I shouldn’t spoil myself more. But then I saw it. Raspberry cheesecake chocolate. Yes, every single word you read was right, a raspberry cheesecake chocolate bar. What the hell?! There is a thing like this?!
Without a second thought, it ended up being the icing on my shopping basket and I ended racing home to try this variety from the Naked Truth Collection.
The first thing I saw when I reached for the bar and laid it on the table was the name. Consistent with its design and its gimmicky names (that bring a sense of guilt) was labelled “Timeout with my…(Raspberry Cheese Cake)” . Timeout – you can’t a better timeout when you have chocolate and even better was cheesecake as well.
Okay let’s get done to business. This bar stands at 40g, a fraction bigger than the average sized bar I’m use to introducing and indulging. But this is most likely due to the filling inside as I really can’t think how they can incorporate a cheesecakes texture without inflating the normal chocolate bar a little.
The first bite was heavenly, 2 thin layers of chocolate sandwiched between a spread of cheesecake. It sounds really heavy I know, but similar to the lemon in the milk chocolate I introduced before, the fruitiness of the raspberry off-setted the heavy cheesiness and cocoa. The raspberry was lightly sprinkled inside the spread of cheesecake and therefore didn’t allow the sweetness of the cheesecake to take over at once. It was a beautiful concoction.

So how does it stand in my books? The guilt this time was a bit too much for me. Although this bar racked in full points in flavour (even thought I am biased) the aftertaste was too strong and my mouth just lingered with a sweet sensation. If you are to try this, bring water. But if you are having a stressful day, weak mental fortitude or think gym is for hipsters – this bar will give you the best of both worlds. 

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